If you run a taxi service, ensuring that all of the vehicles in your fleet are individually insured can be a massive hassle. Not only do you have to process lots of all the contracts separately, but you also have to keep tabs on how many vehicles are in your fleet. It’s a logistical nightmare and makes expanding or contracting your operations difficult.
Wouldn’t it be better if you could buy insurance for all of the vehicles in your fleet and then just tell your insurer if and when you wanted to add another car? The insurance would then automatically cover the risk of the extra vehicle in the form of a slightly higher premium – no additional paperwork required.
Taxi Fleet Insurance
This concept is what’s behind taxi fleet insurance, an easy-to-use and understand insurance policy for taxi businesses.
The primary purpose of monthly or annual taxi fleet insurance is to take the hassle out of insuring all of your vehicles. You no longer have to manage each driver and vehicle individually. If you need to add drivers or cars to your fleet, you just tell the fleet insurer, and they add an additional premium automatically which covers the entire fleet. Typically, taxi fleet insurance covers two vehicles and up, with no upper limit on how many you can cover.
The Flexibility of Taxi Fleet Insurance
The great thing about taxi fleet insurance is that it complements all sorts of taxi business models. Let’s say that you rent out your vehicles to your drivers to drive. No problem: you can either partially or fully cover them, depending on the terms of use.
What about new taxi drivers? Taxi fleet insurance is flexible here too. You can get fleet coverage for drivers who have held their taxi license for less than two years all at a surprisingly low cost.
It also doesn’t matter what kind of vehicles you use for your taxi services: whether cars or mini-vans. Fleet insurance covers the lot and allows you to pay for it all in one go for easier admin.
Taxi Fleet Insurance Puts You in Control
Trying to optimise your insurance policies can be a challenge when you insure each vehicle individually, but taxi fleet insurance puts you in control. It doesn’t matter whether your cars are different shapes and sizes, or if your drivers are new or veterans – a taxi fleet policy covers it all.
Taxi policies also allow you to choose a payment method that suits your business. Paying insurance on all your vehicles once per month makes it much easier to track your outgoings than several insurance policies on different days. Financial planning is more manageable, and you get more power to negotiate with your insurer in the next round.
Above all, fleet insurance gives you peace of mind. It allows you to adjust your operations as the economic situation warrants, providing you with the freedom you need to deliver the best taxi services possible. With taxi fleet insurance, you eliminate stress and cut your admin costs so that you can focus on the aspects of your business that benefit you.