At Goldcrest Insurance we arrange home insurance for people all over the country. We rate people as individual risk and not as a bulk, like on line companies or direct insurers tend to do. This way we get to speak to the client, Google earth the home and take into consideration any good evidence they have to support that their property is free from flooding or has had any necessary works done to prevent further flooding. Using a specialist broker like us at Goldcrest who you can talk to and explain your personal circumstance is the way to go. It may not always work but in the majority of cases if you are being penalized where you shouldn’t be a broker can speak to underwriters and put this right and get you the correct premium.
Why should you pay a loaded premium if where you are located has absolutely no chance of being flooded? The answer is you shouldn’t, but a lot of people do as they think they have no other options. We insured a family home this week who were 20 meters above any flood risk area and as a result of them being in the same postcode catchment there premium keeps on doubling every year. They called us for help and we gathered as much information as we could from the client before we put the presentation to our specialist underwriter. The risk was reviewed and premium dropped by £400.00 and there was a delighted client who said why haven’t I always used a broker!