How to Help Keep Home Premiums Lower


There are plenty of things you can do to help reduce your home insurance premiums. Insurance companies don’t like having to pay out on claims so the more things you can do to make that unlikely the better they will like you and offer you discounted rates on your insurance policies.

Here at Goldcrest Insurance, we are passionate about helping you get the best deal and so by making a few changes you can really have an impact on your premiums. Most of our suggestions aren’t that expensive and can help in other ways too.

  • Make sure that your home is fireproofed – fit smoke alarms and test them regularly, have a fire extinguisher handy in the kitchen. These tips will not only help to reduce your home insurance premiums but also help you and your family to stay safe.
  • Have a burglar alarm fitted – this could really help you to save on your contents insurance.
  • Have secure locks fitted to windows and doors – if all windows and doors have key operated locks fitted your home will be much more secure and it will significantly decrease your chances of being burgled. You should also fit a chain or bar to external doors and a spy-hole. Don’t forget to use them when you get callers.
  • Have a safe installed – high value items can really help to push up the cost of your home insurance contents premiums so locking away expensive items of jewellery for example, can help to reduce your content insurance costs.
  • Join the local neighbourhood watch scheme – this can be a real help. You will not only have an entire army of people watching your property for you but you’ll also get some really good tips about how to protect your property and your family – not forgetting a sticker to pop into your front window and let potential burglars know that it would be a bad idea to try their luck with your property or possessions.
  • Don’t make too many claims – I know that this might sound silly but insurance companies do put the premiums up for “serial claimers”. If you have made a lot of claims in the past you will probably have to pay higher prices.
I can therefore confidently recommend Goldcrest Insurance to anyone that wants good affordable insurance with great customer service.

- Greg Newman - DOR-2-DOR

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