All You need to know about Haulage Insurance

Large truck to insure

Find it hard to get insurance for a 32 tonne truck!  How about insurance for a 44 tonne truck, or insurance for an 18 tonne tipper,  how about insurance for a concrete mixer or insurance for a low loader!!!   Insurance for a skip loader … the list goes on.

Yes expensive isn’t it !!!!   How do you get insurance for trucks or insurance for haulage vehicles at the moment!  Do you insure them separately or do you insure them as a fleet. Yes a fleet is possible from a minimum of 2 vehicles or more.  The pros of this   …. If you do not claim then a fleet is ideal as you will have a good fleet claims history, but if you do have a few bad drivers on an open driver fleet policy this can have serious implications as to what premium you pay for the forthcoming year.

Look at it from an insurers perspective.   If they quoted you £12k a year’s insurance and you have made £18k’s worth of claims, there is no way in the world your next yearly premium will be below £12k,  it will more than likely be £20k plus.   It is so important when taking out fleet insurance to manage it properly.   Yes you purchase it , Yes you get any driver …. Great …. But this means you have to manage it in the correct manner. Look at it this way, you manage your drivers, you manage your premium, if you don’t look after a fleet policy and the huge benefits it gives you then it’s simple, you will end up paying much higher premiums.

PCP have to be done now by next September for Hauliers.  This again is more training which again makes Haulage drivers the best on the road.  As an added benefit to this we have policies now which come with the addition of cameras in the cab which are non-intrusive.  These cameras record 30 seconds before a claim and 30 seconds after, this way will testify against any fraudulent allegations in the event of a claim.

These cameras are a quality tools and have overturned many allegations, where the driver of a haulage vehicle was said to be pulling an incorrect manoeuvre.  The issue here is the majority of standard drivers on the roads do not read their Highway Code and are not aware enough of what trucks can and cant do.  With the help of cameras installed for free by select insurers claims get overturned,  it saves their claims history which in turn saves on their fleet insurance.

We offer specialist advice for Fleet Insurance and Haulage insurance and have some fantastic policies which will help your claims history.   So if you have any trucks /HGV’s to insure give a call straight away !!!

I can therefore confidently recommend Goldcrest Insurance to anyone that wants good affordable insurance with great customer service.

- Greg Newman - DOR-2-DOR

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